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BoxedApp SDK Help >> Functions BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeys
The BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeys function enumerates all virtual registry keys. To continue enumeration, the callback function (pEnumFunc) must return TRUE; to stop enumeration, it must return FALSE. Syntax
[ C++ ]
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *P_BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeysCallback)( HKEY hRootKey, LPCTSTR szSubKey, LPARAM lParam); BOOL __stdcall BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeys( P_BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeysCallback pEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam);
[ Delphi ]
TBoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeysCallback = function(hRootKey: HKEY; szSubKey: PAnsiChar; lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; stdcall; function BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeys( pEnumFunc: TBoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeysCallback; lParam: Cardinal): Boolean; Example
[ C++ ]
BOOL WINAPI VirtualRegKeysEnum(HKEY hRootKey, LPCTSTR szSubKey, LPARAM lParam); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { BoxedAppSDK_Init(); // All changes are virtual within the following block BoxedAppSDK_EnableOption(DEF_BOXEDAPPSDK_OPTION__ALL_CHANGES_ARE_VIRTUAL, TRUE); { // for example: // BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistry(_T("Flash.ocx")); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { BoxedAppSDK_RegisterCOMLibraryInVirtualRegistry(argv[i]); } } BoxedAppSDK_EnableOption(DEF_BOXEDAPPSDK_OPTION__ALL_CHANGES_ARE_VIRTUAL, FALSE); BoxedAppSDK_EnumVirtualRegKeys(&VirtualRegKeysEnum, 0); return 0; } BOOL WINAPI VirtualRegKeysEnum(HKEY hRootKey, LPCTSTR szSubKey, LPARAM lParam) { LPCWSTR szRootKey = L""; if (HKEY_CURRENT_USER == hRootKey) szRootKey = L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER"; else if (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT == hRootKey) szRootKey = L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"; else if (HKEY_USERS == hRootKey) szRootKey = L"HKEY_USERS"; else if (HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG == hRootKey) szRootKey = L"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"; else if (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE == hRootKey) szRootKey = L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"; wprintf(L"%s\\%s\n", szRootKey, szSubKey); HKEY hKey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(hRootKey, szSubKey, &hKey)) { BOOL bFinished = FALSE; for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; ; dwIndex++) { DWORD dwValueNameLength = 1; DWORD dwDataLength = 1; while (true) { WCHAR* pValueName = new WCHAR[dwValueNameLength]; PBYTE pData = new BYTE[dwDataLength]; LONG lResult = RegEnumValueW(hKey, dwIndex, pValueName, &dwValueNameLength, NULL, NULL, pData, &dwDataLength); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lResult) { dwValueNameLength += 256; dwDataLength += 256; } else if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { wprintf(L"\tvalue: \"%s\"\n", pValueName); break; } else { bFinished = TRUE; break; } delete[] pValueName; delete[] pData; } if (bFinished) break; } RegCloseKey(hKey); } return TRUE; }
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